Registration List: VSHE 14th Annual Conference & Golf Tournament
Luis Albarracin Vertiv RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Robert Allen Warfel Construction Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Riley Atlas Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Berton Austin Branch Builds RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jerry Baker W.H. Stovall & Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Barham The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kristi Barker RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Barnes ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Archie Barrett The Vertex Companies, LLC. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Natalie Battle RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Ross Battoclette Champlin Architecture RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD 3 Bay Power Bay Power Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD 2 Bay Power Bay Power Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD Bay Power Bay Power Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Stephen Beach Specified Technologies Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dan Bedregal First Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Taylor Benay Hexmodal RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Eddie Bennett WSP RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Andrew Benson Dewberry RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Andrew Benson Dewberry RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeffrey Bew AKF Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sekou Billings Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Charlie Black Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Windy Blades Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Windy Blades Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kyle Bond Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jamie Booth Hourigan RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kevin Bourne Centra Health Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Roger Bradley Centra Health Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes CANDICE Bradley Envinity, Building Energy Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jacob Braford Gilbane Building Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Bratton Bay Power Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kevin Bright BROOKSBRIGHT VSHE Districts: Central RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Timothy Brinkley W. E. Bowman Construction RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Samuel Brinton DPR Construction, A General Partnership RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Bruce Brooks BROOKSBRIGHT VSHE Districts: Central RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Brooks W. M. Jordan Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Brown Hourigan Construction RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Cheryl Browne W. M. Jordan Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kim Bruffy Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Pam Bucklew Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Joe Buckley AKF Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Joe Buckley AKF Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Pat Burke Gresham Smith RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brendon Burley BKM RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Joe Byron Hobbs & Associates RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Shelly Cabaniss-Tullis Carilion Clinic RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Calvin SKANSKA USA BUILDING RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mary Capp RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Vincent Caravello RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Nick Cassevah RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Trevor Cheek ChemTreat Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Wilber Chen Hopkins RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jay Chiaramonte HDR, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Norman Clark PACE Collaborative RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Conrath PDi Communication Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mike Cooke Mike Cooke RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rory CreeganAKF Goup RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Croghan Augusta health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Clark Crutchfield Branch Builds RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes dennis cummings HDR RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Colin Daniels The Garland Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeffrey DavisDunbar PLLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chris DeSoto C&J Building Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Priya Dhuru Champlin Architecture RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Gage Ealey Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kennedy Engstrom Tec Services RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Bryan Engstrom TEC Environmental Services LLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Teddy Evans Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Hayley Evans W. M. Jordan Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD 2 Evers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD 3 Evers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jon Evers The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mumtaz Farooq Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chris Fava Hoffman and Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Peter Flach AKF Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Richard Fletcher Riverside Health Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Cody Flinchum Insulation Firestop Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Tony Flora C&J Building Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Ben Flora Virginia Maryland Associates RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Foley The Garland Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jim Fout HydroCorp RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes BOB FREDERICKS BeaconMedaes RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Michael Freeman Branch Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Davis Frith Branch Builds RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Myrina Gaglione VHB RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mario Garcia W. E. Bowman Construction RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes ERNIE GARCIA NO RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Gardner Branch Builds, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Marilyn Gaskins ChemTreat Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Josh Gerloff RRMM Architects RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Matt Getridge Vertiv Corporation RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Ghezzi GPS Air RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kim Gibson W M Jordan Company, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Shirley Gibson Gibson VCU Medical Center RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Marty Gillian ChemTreat Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes William GillisCHKD RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes William Gillis CHKD RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Istvan Godri Martis WSP RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jessica Gordon Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Greg Gouldin Salas O'Brien RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Walter Gregory Trane U.S. Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jim Groff Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Hausmann Guest Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Guy First Atlantic Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Nikhil Hajra Convergint RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kellen Hancock Trane Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Lee Harrelson CMTA RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Harris Camfil USA, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Pete Hausmann Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Cassie Hays BKM RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jack Heisler J.A. Heisler Contracting Co., Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dylan Henderson Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Tom Henning Westminster Canterbury Richmond RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sara Heppe PF&A Design RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sara Heppe PF&A Design RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Michael Higgs Raymond Engineering-Georgia, Inc. VSHE Districts: Central RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dana Hodges Affiliated Engineers, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Charles Hogarth Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Casey Horn Dunbar PLLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Darin Horsley HydroCorp RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Phil Horst RRMM Architects RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes GRANT HOSE BeaconMedaes RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Howell The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Tommy Huffman Dunbar RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Hummel Convergint Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brandon Hunt Trane U.S. Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Tom Ippolito Hobbs & Associates, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Arturs Ivanovs Hexmodal RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mark Izsa STI RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chris Jacobs Pevco RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chris Jacobs Pevco RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Aaron Jacobs Sentara Leigh Hospital RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mark Jacubec Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Krutarth Jain Champlin Architecture RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes ralph johnson Virginia Maryland Associates RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Drew Johnson Lewis Systems & Service RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Cooper Jones ATG, a JLL company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chandra Jones Robins & Morton RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Michael Juergens New Ridge Engineering, PLLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Augie Kahsar Dewberry RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brad Kaiser Champlin Architecture RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Michael Karcher Clark Nexsen RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Garrett Kastner RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Garrett Kastner Robins and Morton RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Garrett Kastner Robins and Morton RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Hannah Kelley TRC Companies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes James Kelly Warfel Construction Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Heather Klesat Vertiv RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Martin Knight ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Christopher Knueven RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Craig Kotarski Timmons Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Steven Lamm Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mike Lang STRUCTR RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mark Layne Centra Health Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rachel LeykoCentra Lynchburg General Hospital RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Davis Liles BR+A CONSULTING ENGINEERS RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Bradley Lowe Hourigan RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brad Lownsbury AKF Group LLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Aaron Main First Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Doug Martin Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes William Mason Centra Health, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kristi Matthews Affiliated Engineers, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jason Maxwell DPR Construction, A General Partnership RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brandon Maxwell Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dan McFadyen AQUIS RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Omar McKee Vertiv Corporation RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Stuart McKellar HGA RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Lee McNutt First Atlantic Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Barb Mellema Bon Secours Mercy Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Betsie Michael Valley Engineering, PLC VSHE Committees: Communications RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes William Midgette Hoffman Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chris Morales Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Judson Motley Centra Health, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Derek Mott HDR RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sean Murphy Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Newman Interface RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Vincent Nissen Sentara Leigh Hospital RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Bryan Noble Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rory Noonan Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jamie Norwood Hord Coplan Macht RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kirstie Nugent Loring Consulting Engineers, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Kennedy Nwabia TRC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Janelle Ozusta IMEG RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rebecca Parada Dewberry RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dwayne Parker Lewis Systems & Service RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Russell Parrish Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Random Patillo Vertiv RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Zachary Pauley Cummins Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Denzil Perkins Air Mechanical Solutions, Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sarah PetersCoffman Engineers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes James Pierce Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes James Pierce Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Geoff Pierce EXCEL Energy Consulting RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes chris Poffenbarger Vansant & Gusler Consulting Engineers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Melinda Pogwizd Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Walker Poling Trane RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Pone Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes William Quinn PACE Collaborative RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dustin Rakes Carilion Clinic RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Eric Rasmussen DPR Construction, A General Partnership RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Marcus Reed Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Omar Rizkallah Hexmodal RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Alex Roberts CMTA RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Matson Roberts Dominion Construction Partners RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Drew Roberts CMTA RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Del Roger Merlo Energy - Virginia RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Emily Roggeman Interface RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Matt Rooke Envinity, Building Energy Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Josh Rosato Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes James Rose Centra Health RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Connor Rosenberry The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Julie Rush Cummins Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Johnathan Sampson Midwest Firestop, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jonathan Sampson Midwest Firestop, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes eric saylor PSH+ RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chance Schober First Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Scott Schwegal Sentara Williamsburg RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Marshall Scott Robins and Morton VSHE Districts: Central RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dwayne Sellars W. M. Jordan Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jack Sharp-Stevenson Warwick Mechanical Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dave Sheedy Kahler Slater RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Conner Sherin Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jackie Shockley RRMM Architects RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Christine Simpson PSH+ RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dustin SkeesHoffman & Hoffman, Inc. Virginia beach RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dustin Skees Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc. Virginia beach RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Dustin Skees Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc. Virginia beach RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Troy Slider Victaulic RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rose Sompayrac ChemTreat Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Ross Spencer Interface RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Matthew Standring The Bell Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jeff Steffensen Affiliated Engineers, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Leonard Stewart Carilion Clinic RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Greg Stiles The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Sean Strohl Schneider Electric - ASCO Power Technologies RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes HAROLD STYERS BeaconMedaes RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Sweeney Hoffman & Hoffman RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Sweeney Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Stacy Swords RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Maria Tatarczuk HGA RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Lauren Taylor First Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD TBDC&J Building Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD TBD C&J Building Solutions RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD TBDFirst Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD TBD First Onsite Property Restoration RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Bridgett Thomas HKS RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Mark Thurnauer Champlin Architecture RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Ari Tinkoff RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Tipton Siemens Smart Infrastructure RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jared Torbett RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jared Torbett Robins & Morton RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jose Torres McKim & Creed RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Justin Trent Lynch Mykins Structural Engineers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Nicholas Tribble SKA Consulting Engineers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Turner Kjellstrom + Lee RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Rick Vance STARC Systems Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes T. J. VanWagner W. M. Jordan Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Chuck Vass Insulation Firestop Systems RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Thomas Walters Pavion RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Reginald Warren VCU Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes John Watkins TEC Environmental Services LLC RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes George Weidinger Riverside Health System RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes TBD Whiting Turner RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Brian Wigant STARC Systems Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Roger Wilkerson Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes ed williams omegaflex RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Zach Williams Victaulic RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Leslie Wilson PF & A RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Holly Wilson Centra Health Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Hayley WilsonInterface RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Joe Woermer Trane U.S. Inc. RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Marshall Womack Centra Health Inc RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Jonathan Woodruff Vansant & Gusler Consulting Engineers RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes David Wright Syska Hennessy Group RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Tyler Yates The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Geoffrey Yelverton Vertiv RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Josh Young RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes Paul Young Whiting-Turner Contracting Company RSVP Comments: N/A Attending: Yes